Sunday 2/23/25 Pastor Clay Bates 10:00am- Sunday Communion/ Worship Following Service: Fellowship (please, join us in the fellowship hall for some light refreshments and fellowship)
Tuesday 2/25/25 9:30am-4:30pm Pastor Bates Office, afternoons by appointment 9:30am-5:00pm Office Open (Beth)
Wednesday 2/26/25 9:30am-4:30pm Pastor Bates Office, afternoons by appointment 10:00am WELCA/Bible Study/ All are welcome!
Thursday 2/27/25 9:30am-5:00pm Office Open (Beth)
Sunday 3/2/25 Pastor Clay Bates 10:00am- Sunday Communion/ Worship Following Service: Fellowship (please, join us in the fellowship hall for some light refreshments and fellowship)
Tuesday 3/4/25 9:30am-4:30pm Pastor Bates Office, afternoons by appointment 9:30am-5:00pm Office Open (Beth)
Ash Wednesday 3/5/25 9:30am-4:30pm Pastor Bates Office, afternoons by appointment 12:00Noon Ash Wednesday Service 6:00pm Drive up Ashes 7:00pm Ash Wednesday Service
Greetings to my family in Christ at Peace Lutheran Church on another cold and snowy day, Your church council met on Tuesday night via Zoom from 7 to 9:17 p.m. The meeting was longer than usual because we included some retreat activities. After all, the council retreat was canceled on account of inclement weather. One of the retreat activities is composing a theme for the year. The council agreed not to change the 2024 theme, so “Loving Jesus through serving others” will remain our theme for 2025. Our sign message, “Peace be with you,” will remain the same. Thank you to Paul Hector, who makes the sign messages happen. Pastor Clay delivered a presentation on Home Church, a way for small groups to come together around Holy Scripture. We will share more information as we seek to generate interest in participating in a Home Church meeting.
This year, there will be a Juneteenth celebration, similar to last year, which is a fantastic method of community outreach. Blessings in Christ, Mark
Greetings Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent is coming up in two weeks. There will be three opportunities to receive ashes that day. There will be a noon service (without music), drive-up from 5:00 - 6:00, and worship at 7:00 PM. All will be a service of Holy Communion. Holy Communion, the bread and the wine, being an "antidote" to our admission of mortality in the ashes.
Ash Wednesday is an admission of all our guiltiness; every last bit of our sin; and an acknowledgement that without God's grace we will surely die. It is a catharsis, an emptying and purging of all sin. Then, we receive communion, which is a sign, a sacrament, of Jesus' complete forgiveness and gift of new life in his presence.
If I had to choose only one worship service to attend all year long, it might be Ash Wednesday, which expresses our relationship with God in a nutshell.
Then comes Lent, a season of "lengthening" of days leading up to and preparing for Holy Week and Easter. Easter without Lent is like Christmas without Advent.
If you are thinking of giving something up for Lent, I suspect that Jesus would be very pleased if you gave up an hour on Ash Wednesday, and Sunday mornings for worship.
Pastor Clay Bates
Ash Wednesday Service
Service Times 12:00 NOON Without Music
5:00 PM Drive-up ashes and Holy Communion in the front of the church and 7:00pm
Good Samaritan Ministries Unlocking Opportunities No one should have to journey out of poverty and housing insecurity alone. For anyone in Ottawa County who needs access to housing support, we’re your guide. Supportive Services
Finding stability goes far beyond having a place to call home. For those looking to take additional steps toward financial stability, our local chapter of Circles exists to build your connections and help you meet your goals.
YES!! There is going to be a rummage sale! Please DO NOT start bringing in your items yet! There are items in the room that have not been designated for the sale. If you or your committee have any items in the back room not for the rummage sale please remove the items or they may be put in the sale! (first room to the right as you walk in the back door of the church).