Greetings from the people of God gathered together by the Holy Spirit to be the congregation we call Peace Lutheran Church.  

“Lutheran” means we are named after Martin Luther, who lived 500 years ago.  Luther played a major role in the Protestant Reformation, a time of changing and updating the church.  These changes included introducing contemporary music and singing, changing worship from Latin into the language of the people, and translating the Bible into a language everyone could read.  Luther also lifted up the biblical teaching of being made right with God through faith in Jesus, with faith itself being a gift from God.

Perhaps you are reading this because you are hearing or feeling God drawing you nearer.  If so, Peace is a good place to experience the presence of God. Perhaps you have become curious about church, or it has been a long time since you have been to church.  Peace strives to be naturally welcoming as a part of who we are; inviting, without pressure. Perhaps you are wondering if you would be welcome at Peace. Peace tries to be good followers of Jesus, who welcomed everyone.

It might be that you have questions about a baptism, wedding, or becoming a Christian.  If so, you are encouraged to come to church and introduce yourself to Pastor Clay Bates.  

If you have recently moved into the area, welcome!  Peace is a great place to begin putting down roots in the community.  You don’t have to have a Lutheran background to worship at Peace. After all, there is only one Jesus Christ who is for everyone.

Wherever you are in your journey of faith, come as you are.  It would be an honor to meet you and walk with you on your journey to God.
-Pastor Clay Bates