Questions & Answers

Here are some answers to common questions.

Absolutely!  You don’t need to be acquainted with a church member, call first or ask for permission.  All are welcome at Peace.

​Our worship is in the “liturgical” style; the word “liturgy” means “work of the people.”  So, our worship is full of responses and parts for the congregation to speak, sing, and be involved.

​One of the first things we usually do is called “Confession and Forgiveness.”  It acknowledges that every week there are good things that we don’t do and bad things that we choose to do, so we come to God to ask for and receive God’s forgiveness and help in making a fresh start.

​We very much like to sing hymns and songs all together, accompanied by either the organ or piano and sometimes other instruments.

​We have four Bible readings each Sunday, one of which is always from Matthew, Mark, Luke or John, which follow the life of Jesus.  The sermon is usually based on one or more of those readings, and it usually lasts 15-20 minutes.

​There is time for prayer, and we have Holy Communion every week along with a Service of Healing once a month.  Everyone is welcome at the Lord's Supper, we place no fences around it.

​We believe that God is in the midst of our worship, blessing us, guiding us, and healing us.  Come and see!

No.  You will find a variety of clothing at Peace, from casual to dressy.  Wear what you like and feel comfortable in.

No.  Guests are not expected to give an offering.  Welcoming guests is a part of our ministry.

Yes.  There is no fence around the Lord’s Table here.  We believe that Jesus himself is present in the bread and the wine for our forgiveness.  We also have grape juice and gluten free wafers.

Yes.  There is a very gentle slope up a sidewalk from the parking lot, about one step high.  Once you are inside, there are no barriers

Yes; we have a large parking lot with one side where you can “pull through.”

A printed bulletin will be given to you when you arrive; it contains all the words and singing that happens during our service so you may easily follow along.   We also have a TV monitor up front that you can use to follow along.

Absolutely!  Our membership includes a few people who identify as LGBTQ+.  

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