The origins of the Lutheran Church go back more than 500 years. People who cared deeply about the good news of God's love for humanity felt called to renew the Christian Church, to better reflect the good news about Jesus as recorded in the Bible.
Instead of focusing on religion as a set of rules and regulations that we have to do to be close to God, we focus on God and what God does and has done for us. God comes down to us with love and grace, we don't build a ladder to God.
God revealed God's self in Jesus Christ, who is God's Son. That means Jesus is truly God and truly human. One of Jesus' titles is Immanuel, which means "God with us". Jesus came to live with people to demonstrate God's love, healing, teaching, and expectations God has of us. Jesus died on the cross, and rose to life again on Easter. Jesus did this so that we may be forgiven, and have eternal life.
We are disciples (followers) of Jesus, and we strive to live according to his teachings. We aren't perfect, but we are forgiven, and empowered to do better. We go through life trying (with the help of God the Holy Spirit) to love God more and more, and to love and serve everyone.